Hudson County View

LETTER: Giattino endorses Fisher in Hoboken’s 2nd Ward council race

In a letter to the editor, Hoboken 6th Ward Councilwoman Jen Giattino explains why she is endorsing 2nd Ward Councilwoman Tiffanie Fisher.

Dear Editor,

I am writing this letter to offer my enthusiastic endorsement of Tiffanie Fisher for re-election as our 2nd Ward Councilwoman.

Over the past eight years, I have had the privilege of working closely with Tiffanie on the City Council, and I can say with utmost confidence that she is the kind of dedicated and fearless leader we need representing you.

Tiffanie possesses a unique combination of fearlessness and intelligence that sets her apart as a truly exceptional public servant. Her unwavering bravery allows her to tackle even the most pressing and controversial issues with confidence and resolve.

She does not shy away from challenges; instead, she embraces them head-on, always with the best interests of our community at heart.

One of Tiffanie’s standout qualities is her commitment to uncovering the truth and holding people accountable. She is a tireless advocate for our community, and her dedication to finding the best solutions for our residents is truly commendable.

Tiffanie is not content with surface-level answers; she digs deep to get to the heart of the matter, ensuring that your voices are heard and that our concerns are addressed.

Moreover, Tiffanie consistently prioritizes the residents of Hoboken. Her commitment to finding the most effective and equitable solutions for our community is evident in her actions and decisions.

She advocates for your needs, and works tirelessly to make Hoboken a better place for all of us.

In her time serving as our 2nd Ward Councilwoman, Tiffanie Fisher has proven herself to be a dedicated and fearless leader who never wavers in her pursuit of what is best for our community.

I have witnessed her unwavering commitment to your ward and our city, and I am confident that she will continue to be a strong and effective voice for all of us.

I urge you to join me in supporting Tiffanie Fisher for re-election as our 2nd Ward Councilwoman.

With her unparalleled dedication, fearlessness, and commitment to our community, I have no doubt that she will continue to serve with excellence.

Jen Giattino
Hoboken 6th Ward Councilwoman

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