Hudson County View

Hoboken officials break ground on 2-acre Jackson Street Resiliency Park

Despite the snow, dozens attended the ground breaking on 7th and Jackson Street in Hoboken: a two-acre park with a public gymnasium and storm water retention system – all part of the 700 Jackson Street development project.


“It’s been very important to me that every resident is within walking distance of a park. A place to come and to gather, a place for everyone to come together. I am very proud that this right next to the Jubilee Center, right near the housing authority,” began Mayor Dawn Zimmer.

“This will be the place where our community comes together and joins together.”

One acre of the park will be a open space equipped with public seating and a playground for children. The other acre is designated as a public plaza with a tilted lawn and can accommodate vendors and “seasonal markets.”

The resiliency park will also have a 6,835 square foot multi-use public gymnasium.

Residents from western Hoboken were also excited for the park’s green infrastructure and 450,000 gallon stormwater retention system.

Zimmer also proudly announced that part of the 800 Jackson St. development project will provide 30,000 square feet of retail space, on-site parking and 424 residential units, of which 42 will be for affordable housing.

Bijou Properties Managing Partner Larry Bijou, Jubilee Center of Hoboken Interim Executive Director Leslie Brown, Intercontinental Real Estate Corporation Chairman and CEO Peter Palandjian and Hartshorn Portraiture CEO Jennifer Hartshorn also expressed their views on the project.

“I thank the City Council, Bijou Properties, Intercontinental Real estate Corporation and members of the community who worked together to make this possible,” explained Zimmer who stressed that the groundbreaking was a team effort.

Also in attendance was Assemblywoman Annette Chaparro (D-33), Hoboken Freeholder Anthony Romano (D-5), 3rd Ward Councilman Mike Russo, Councilman-at-Large James Doyle and Councilman-at-Large Ravi Bhalla.

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