Hudson County View

2014 Feuds of the Year – Number 6: Brian Stack vs. The Federal Government

Union City Mayor/state Senator Brian Stack (D-33) had a well-publicized 2012 feud with ICE agent Ricky Patel back rear its ugly head again this year, thanks to a federal lawsuit that was filed last month. Stack’s issues with the federal government didn’t end there though. 

As the lawsuit alleges, the bad blood between Stack and Patel existed since Stack abused his power as an elected official by having Union City police bring Patel into custody and even having the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) inspect Patel’s apartment building.

This all, allegedly, began just two weeks after the FBI raided the Union City City Hall’s Community Development Agency (CDA) back in November 2012.

Stack said called the suit “a publicity stunt” and was considering a countersuing (h/t, to which Patel’s attorney, Thomas Mallon, exclusively told Hudson County View that would only make his job easier.


This saga may still be in it’s early stages, as Joe Lado, a 66-year-old Fort Lee man who owns Lado Construction in Union City, pleaded guilty to rigging the contractor selection process with the help of two Union City CDA employees.

That’s not all though, as the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) ordered the closure of the Union City department of public works building, on 27th Street, back in February.

While the possibility of reopening the facility largely hinged on repairing the holes in the roof, Hudson County Executive Tom DeGise explained to Hudson County View back in October that Stack would be given county resources to make sure the department can survive the harsh winter season.


Stack also invested in an insurance policy of sorts by entering a shared services agreement with the Jersey City Incinerator Authority, also in October, so things could be much worse in that regard.


While Stack will not be on the ballot in June 2015, he will face further stresses as he decides what to do with Assemblymen Carmelo Garcia and Raj Mukherji, who also represent the 33 district and ran on Stack’s ticket last year.



Number 7: Anthony Romano vs. HCDO/Dawn Zimmer

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