Hudson County View

Roque defense, state AG’s office frames case for the jury during closing arguments

Attorneys for West New York Mayor Felix Roque and the state attorney general’s office framed their case for the jury during their closing arguments this afternoon.


Chris Adams, co-counsel for Roque in the matter, said that this case isn’t actually about patients being for sale, it’s about criminals trying to take time off their jail sentences.

After commending Roque for voluntarily taking the stand, Adams took his time to tear into each of the state’s witnesses, particularly dissecting Rehan Zuberi – the state’s key witness.

After roughly an hour, Adams implored the jury to seriously consider what reasonable doubt is, as well as the inconsistent statements made by just about every witness.

Medicaid Fraud Control Unit Chief Deputy Attorney General Peter Sepulveda said a number of the conclusions drawn by Adams were off the mark or incorrect.

As Hudson County View previously noted during Roque’s cross-examination, Sepulveda told the jury that Roque “told a blatant lie” by testifying he went on 179 days of active duty for the U.S. Army in 2008.

Sepulveda also noted that multiple individuals delivered envelopes of cash to Roque, which was corroborated by Humara Paracha, Raza Chudry, Jose Lopez and Judith DeLeon, and that witnesses also provided sufficient evidence to show a decrease in referrals to American Imaging when bribes were late.

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