Hudson County View

Rep. Menendez touts water resources bill that benefits Bayonne & Guttenberg

U.S. Rep. Rob Menendez (D-8) is touting the passage of the Water Resources Development Act of 2024, which will benefit Bayonne and Guttenberg.

By John Heinis/Hudson County View

“I am proud to see the inclusion of critical provisions for New Jersey’s Eighth Congressional District in the Water Resources Development Act. This legislation is a major win for our communities to address our most pressing water infrastructure challenges, from flood control to critical navigation projects,” Menendez said in a statement.

“As a Member of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, I applaud my colleagues for their bipartisan support and commitment to improving our nation’s water infrastructure.”

The bill allows for a study to examine the deepening, widening, and extension of the navigation channel leading into the Bayonne Dry Dock to service and support critical national security operations by allowing vessels to traverse the shallow waters and access the dock.

“The provision in this bill to support dredging the Jersey Flats will ensure that the Bayonne Dry Dock can continue to carry out it’s critical national security mission and operations to service vessels from the Military Sealift Command, Coast Guard, and United States Army Corps, which must traverse the shallow waters to access the dry dock,” added Bayonne Dry Dock and Repair Corp. President Michael Cranston.

“We thank Congressman Menendez for his efforts in securing this language and his steadfast support of our work for our nation’s national security – passage of this bill’s provision is a necessary step forward for the Bayonne Dry Dock mission.”

Additionally, it will pave the way for a study to examine flood risk management along John F. Kennedy Boulevard East in Guttenberg so that residents can continue to access critical resources during storms.

“The seaports and waterways are the lifeblood of Hudson County. The WRDA provisions will improve Hudson County’s infrastructure and pave the way for economic growth in New Jersey. I want to thank Congressman Menendez for his hard work for Hudson County residents,” noted Hudson County Executive Craig Guy.

“On behalf of our residents, I am extremely grateful to Congressman Menendez for helping to secure much needed federal funding for our community. This funding will enable us to undertake a crucial project aimed at fortifying our infrastructure along Boulevard East and enhance our flood emergency preparedness,” stated Guttenberg Mayor Wayne Zitt.

Furthermore, another provision ensures that that the New York and New Jersey Harbor Tributaries (“NY NJ HATS”) project will continue to study, model, and coordinate with key stakeholders while giving them the flexibility to advance certain priorities to protect the region from coastal storms.

In a similar vein, the NY NJ Port Authority Vessel Provision provides an adjustment to the federal cost share for navigational deepening projects to ensure that our nation’s ports, including the Port of New York and New Jersey, have the federal support they need to receive vessels as they continue to grow in size.

In each aforementioned instances, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will work to improve key water infrastructure issues, including flood risk management, navigation improvements, and ecosystem restoration.

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