LETTER: Team Bhalla is the best choice for Hoboken, Zimmer says


In a letter to the editor, Hoboken Mayor Dawn Zimmer explains why she feels Councilman-at-Large Ravi Bhalla and his slate are the best choices for the Mile Square City. Zimmer-Bhalla

Dear Editor,

I am writing to express my enthusiastic support for Team Bhalla in the upcoming mayoral and City Council election.

Ravi Bhalla has been my partner for the past eight years as we turned our city around. In 2009, our previous mayor had been arrested for taking bribes. Fiscal mismanagement had led to a state takeover of Hoboken’s finances.

Our city-owned hospital was near bankruptcy, our city taxes had been raised by 70 percent, our long neglected infrastructure was crumbling, and our bond rating was near junk.

With Ravi as my partner, we saved our hospital, held the line on taxes (while building a solid rainy day fund), and earned a AA+ bond rating. We finished Pier C Park, 1600 Park, and acquired eight acres of new parkland with another acre to come.

We installed two new flood pumps and have a real plan to address both flooding from heavy rain events and the next Sandy-like storm, with the $230 million federally funded Rebuild by Design project and over 1.5 million gallons storm water detention capacity to be built into the new parks coming to the western side of the city.

We have accomplished a lot but there is much work left to be done. I personally know all of the candidates for mayor and Ravi is the only candidate I trust to not only keep our city on track but to lead it to an even better future.

On Nov. 7, please vote for Ravi Bhalla and his City Council Team of John Allen, Jim Doyle and Emily Jabbour.

Thanks for listening.

Dawn Zimmer

Hoboken Mayor

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  1. Too soon for revisionist history. Jen Giattino saved Dawn Zimmer’s bacon on the hospital, parks and Hoboken finances.

    Ravi is doing really well with that transportation union backing NJ Transit’s massive development for downtown Hoboken. What a scam being pulled on Hoboken!

    Can Ravi hide under Dawn’s skirt long enough to get elected and deliver for his PAC pals? Not likely. He’s falling apart. Bad move Mayor Zimmer. You should have never tried that back room deal shoving Ravi down.

    Hoboken rejects the PAC candidate Ravi!


    Candidates are campaigning on the uptown ferry doc a week before an election. That’s what passes for an “exclusive” these days over at Mile Square Loon.

    Tune in at 5 for another exclusive on a hot new development — campaigns for one candidate are preparing to wear… T-SHIRTS!!! But that’s not all, get this… campaign workers for OTHER candidates will wear OTHER T-shirts! Exclusive footage is on the way, hot off the presses.

    The journalism program at Trump University werkd 4 mee!

  3. Republican Guadgano wants to punish Hoboken by stripping ABBOTT funding fromr our schools which would cause a massive tax increase.

    Republican Giattino remains silent as usual.

    Dance little ballerina dance.

  4. So funny! The nutjob is hinting (again) that poll results show bad news for Ravi… um, no. He likes to feel important, so he makes up crap. Everyday.

    Actually, if you got your Stronger Foundation Inc mailer today, then you know who their poll said had leap frogged over Jen AND Romano… all the way. Yes, that is the BAD NEWS for Hoboken.

    So, it’s official: Jen Giattino is the Reform Spoiler.

    A vote for Jen is a vote for Mike DeFusco.

    • Look at the lunatic Nancy here who is a certified Mile Square loon telling us a Ravi Pac is to be believed!

      How certifiably nuts do you have to be to buy into that?!

      Wow, the same PAC backing the mega development for NJ Transit in Hoboken is now a source for Hoboken residents to believe because Nancy Pincus says so?

      Is there any lie for Ravi you won’t peddle like this stupid one too Nancy Pincus? You’ve fallen to promoting a PAC’s special interests AGAINST Hoboken!


      Jen Giattino for Hoboken on Tuesday. Let’s Defend Hoboken!

      • They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. So why is Horsey so determined to keep going crossing lines that get him dragged back to court again and again and again?

      • A vote for Jen is a vote for DeFusco.

        Roman Brice is the Mile Square Loon.

        The loon says: today’s mailer that says Mike DeFusco endorsed Peter Cammarano “can’t be trusted”?

        But DeFusco DID endorse Cammarano which means the mailer CAN be trusted, and is FACTUAL. Unlike the crap Roman Brice makes up on his fake news site and charges $$$ for “premium bullshit”!