Hudson County View

LETTER: Speaking out against infrastructural issues at Jersey City high schools

In a letter to the editor, Diany Diaz, the founder of the “Revolutionizers of Jersey City High Schools,” explains why they’re speaking out against infrastructural issues.

Photos courtesy of Diany Diaz.

Dear Editor,

My name is Diany Diaz. I’m a high school student, and the founder and representative of a new organization called “R.O.J.C.H.S” or the “Revolutionizers of Jersey City High Schools.”

With a total of 15 representatives, two from each of Jersey City’s public high schools, we the students are getting together to speak out against the infrastructural issues in our high schools.

We have witnessed things like non-potable water, chipped walls, rats, and roaches attending classes, and we have had enough.

There are many safety hazards in various schools including growing mold and roofs that have fallen down in classroom (pictured above).

The bathrooms don’t work either. We’ve heard numerous complaints about the stalls not closing when students go to flush, water starts leaking everywhere, and even soap running scarce in some of the schools. So how long do we have to wait for something to change?

It’s unacceptable that these are the conditions we go to school in, and yet we are expected to want to get our education.

This is why we are calling upon the State of New Jersey and the city of Jersey City, to form a plan of action to resolve these issues.

We have spoken up at a recent JCBOE meeting, and now we’re reaching out to make our point here.

No student should ever have to be put in an environment that is quite literally falling apart.

So if not now then when? How long do we have to wait for another issue to arrive before fixing the issue at hand?


Diany Diaz

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