Hudson County View

LETTER: I’m ‘quite disappointed’ how Bing ran his campaign, Ward C must re-elect Boggiano

In a letter to the editor, Jersey City Ward C resident Renee Tirella Cassidy states why she was “quite disappointed” in how Kevin Bing ran his campaign and why her neighbors must re-elect Councilman Rich Boggiano.

Dear Editor,

I am a lifelong resident of Ward C, a founding member of my local community association, have led clean-up efforts, and advocated for many years for my neighbors with City agencies and our representatives to make our community a better place.

I will be voting for Rich Boggiano tomorrow.

I have known both Tom Zuppa and Kevin Bing for several years through the community association we all serve on. I voted for Tom in November’s election.

Tom ran a clean campaign focused on the issues rather than spending his time talking more about his opponents, and less about what he was going to do for our Ward.

Tom also ran a campaign where everyone could have a voice rather than catering to a select few or to the loudest.

I am proud of Tom’s campaign and he has done nothing but try to make our community a better place since I met him. I stand behind his endorsement of Rich Boggiano.

I read the letters questioning Tom’s motives for endorsing Councilman Boggiano or his reasons for running in the first place.

Interestingly, I don’t recall any of the authors being there when we actually took action to improve our ward, such as when Tom and I organized neighborhood clean-ups, or when Tom’s team shoveled snow to make the streets and intersections safer.

None of the authors were there, like I was, when Tom delivered over 300 backpacks to the children in Ward C, and organized a toy drive for our Ward C families.

And not one of the authors dared to wonder whether Tom endorsed Boggiano simply because he and a lot of other voters don’t think Kevin is the right choice for Ward C.

I have witnessed many Jersey City elections. I am quite disappointed in how Kevin ran his campaign. First, allowing his supporters to attack Tom, misrepresent his views and words, all while pretending not to know, or just as bad, turning a blind eye.

Then there were Kevin’s recent mailers. He proposed things that Mayor Fulop has announced a commitment to doing, or has already done.

If Kevin can mislead the public, especially to uninformed voters, what can we expect of him as our councilman? We won’t get “a new day” with the same old dirty political tricks just from a new face.

Rich Boggiano has been a lifelong public servant who has demonstrated his honesty and enthusiasm for our Ward. He has earned my vote in tomorrow’s Run-Off, which he will win.

I, along with many others, will work with him to make the improvements we want to see, listen to new voices, and partner with all of the community to make Ward C a better place.

Renee Tirella Cassidy
Jersey City Ward C resident

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