Hudson County View

LETTER: Education Matters BOE ticket is best for Jersey City students interests

In a letter to the editor, Jersey City activist Mahsiah Imes says that the Education Matters ticket has the best interests of the local students in mind. Mahsiah Imes on Changing Voter 18 limit to 16

Dear Editor:

No one should have more input in the school board elections than the students. We are the one’s who attend school Monday through Friday, 6-7 hours daily. We are the one’s forced to take standardized test, follow the rules, student code of conduct and the New Jersey state curriculum precisely.

Every time we turn around there are tests, quizzes, exams and that political scandal of a PARCC test.

We need board members who will not be afraid to speak on behalf of the thousands of students in this district and to take a stand against standardized testing and common core instead of standing for it and allowing the students to suffer because of their own greed for political promotions.

It’s time to STOP playing politics with our education. It seems like this board can’t keep the superintendent in check either. I think the students here in Jersey City need to repeat what the Newark students did when they wanted Cami Anderson to resign (as they seemed to have succeeded when she resigned).

As being an student activist here in Jersey City I have went to a number of Board of Education meetings and some candidates were not there fighting for broken bathroom stalls and air conditioning and speaking on behalf of the students like other candidate are doing.

The Education Matters team would be the perfect fit to fill in the 3 seats on the board of education. All three are dedicated, hard working, persistent individuals who will ensure that this district is moving in the right direct.

VOTE 1J (Sudhan Thomas), 3J (Angel Valentin) & 9J (Gina Verdibello)….. Students are the only ones who endure the stress of standardized test taking. Enough is Enough!! Change is need in this district and these 3 candidates are the right one’s to help get it started.

Mahsiah Imes

Jersey City Activist

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