In a letter to the editor, Bayonne 2nd Ward council candidate Jacqueline Weimmer addresses residents Gail Godesky’s criticisms of her recent fundraiser where she recognized impactful woman in the community.
Dear Editor,
First and foremost, I’d like to thank Ms. Godesky ever so much for acknowledging the wonderful, uplifting event we had on Saturday.
I cannot tell you how much it means to me to know that she appreciated it, but her characterization of my motivations for holding it are false and need to be publicly addressed.
Please allow me to share with Ms. Godesky, and all readers, that recognizing the honorees, and acknowledging their many contributions to our community was of great importance to me, as many of them have been a positive influence in my own life.
With that being said, it was also a fundraiser to assist in my efforts to officially become the voice of Bayonne’s 2nd Ward.
I can tell you, while it may come as a shock to Ms. Godesky, that each and every attendee, as well as each and every honoree, were all to happy to contribute to that effort!
You see, although I realize the sign on her home indicates her support of the opposing Team, there are many in Bayonne, who believe that anything other than a full win by TEAM DAVIS is unthinkable and would have many negative consequences for our city.
We are a team of individuals dedicated to lifting each other and the people of our community, up to new heights. We encourage inclusion, proactive actions, positive reinforcement and giving to causes you feel strongly in.
As you saw from Saturday’s event, there are many in the community who obviously feel very strongly about supporting Team Davis!
Lastly, please rest assured that I too am very philanthropic and a supporter of numerous charities.
A donation was made in honor of both our honorees and our guests to a wonderful charity that helps bring smiles to the faces of children that start each and every day with a challenge.
Helping children facing difficult situations is something I have committed myself to as a volunteer advocate in the foster care system, and I would happily compare my record of giving back to the most vulnerable to that of anyone.
Jacqueline Weimmer
Bayonne resident/2nd Ward council candidate
Editor’s note: Gail Godesky tells HCV that she does not have a sign supporting any municipal candidates on her home.