The City of Jersey City will allocate their allotment of Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccines to hospitality, grocery store, and warehouse workers this week, Mayor Steven Fulop said in an email blast.

By John Heinis/Hudson County View
“This week, we are using our Johnson & Johnson single-shot vaccine doses for front-line restaurant workers, grocery store workers, porters, hospitality workers, and warehouse workers,” the mayor wrote.
“As we re-open, we know these employees are on the front line around many others and often don’t have the flexibility to take two days off from work for the two-dose vaccine options.”
Fulop further stated that Jersey City will have a total of six vaccination locations available tomorrow, with the sites at 100 Marin Boulevard and 28 Paterson St. dedicated to the aforementioned workers.
He also stressed that no one will be vaccinated without an appointment and that a paystub must be brought to the site as proof of employment. Appointments can be made by calling 201-373-2316 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. daily.
Additionally, Moderna doses will continue to be distributed at the city’s other locations, Fulop said, with approximately 30,000 vaccinations administered to date.
According to the city’s COVID-19 dashboard, there have been 3,105 cases of the coronavirus confirmed in March as of Thursday, with cases generally trending upwards since early February.