Hudson County Freeholders sink shipyard development at special meeting in Hoboken


The Hudson County Board of Freeholders, on a vote of 5-0-1, with Freeholder Cifelli abstaining, and Freeholders Romano, DiDomenico, and Liggio recusing themselves, upheld a County Planning board decision to reject a development application by Shipyard Associates.


The application to build two residential towers on an uptown section of the waterfront was met with stiff oppostion during a special meeting held in Hoboken to address the issue.

Numerous Hoboken residents spoke out against the development, including Mayor Dawn Zimmer, Hoboken Housing Authority Chairwoman Dana Wefer, and Councilwoman Beth Mason.

Before residents spoke, the board heard from attorneys representing Shipyard Associates, the Hudson Tea, and Hoboken Planning Board regarding traffic and water drainage studies regarding the development.

The meeting got heated when Kevin Coakley, the lawyer representing Shipyard Associates, raised objections during comments made by Clifford Gibbons, an attorney representing the Hoboken Planning Board, which Freeholder O’Dea didn’t appreciate.

Finally, after listening to the public speak for nearly two hours, the Hudson County Freeholders voted to uphold the county planning board decision to the delight of the crowd.

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