While he no longer has to endure another grudge match in the 3rd Ward, Hoboken Councilman Michael Russo hosted a campaign kickoff where he called for a clean sweep in both the city council and board of education races.Â
Hosted at his campaign headquarters at 505 Madison St., Hoboken Freeholder Anthony Romano (D-5), 1st Ward Councilwoman Theresa Castellano (Russo’s cousin) and Board of Education candidate Alanna Kauffmann all addressed the crowd on hand before Russo took the floor.
Russo was originally set to face off with Frank Raia in the 3rd Ward Council race, but as Hudson County View first reported last week, Raia is a seeking his removal from the ballot, citing health concerns.
The councilman called for a clean sweep on both the city council and the board of education, saying it’s time to “change it back to the Hoboken we all know, the Hoboken that we love and the Hoboken that will be one of the premiere cities in the entire country.”
Outside the former West Five Supper Club, Russo reiterated that it’s time for change here in Hoboken, also speaking about promises he’s fulfilled in his 12 years on the council, as well as what he hopes to accomplish in the future.
When asked to respond to a published report that said he played a role in getting Raia to drop out of the race, Russo said it was more misinformation being spread by the Mayor Dawn Zimmer administration.
Even before Raia had second thoughts about seeking office, Zimmer had not formally endorsed a candidate in the 3rd Ward.
Assemblyman Carmelo Garcia (D-33), now seeking the Ward 6 council seat, former Mayor Anthony Russo, ex-Jersey City Councilman Phil Kenny and Hoboken Housing Authority Commissioner Robert Davis were also in attendance at the event.
Councilman Russo complains the roads are awful. Can he explain how his No Vote a few years ago prevented the money being approved for repaving Washington st? Maybe he should remember better whose fault that is
Former Mayor Anthony Russo was there? Did he bring the $300,000 he owes the city of Hoboken for when he was arrested for taking bribes and went to jail for corruption?
Russo ain’t paying $300,000 owed to Hoboken people and Mike says to his big developer pals, “Make out the check to Russo for Hoboken.”
That’s what he told FBI informant Solomon Dwek how to fill out the bribe details.
Nothing changes with Hoboken’s #1 family of corruption.
Love how he takes credit for all the hard work of Mayor Zimmer and her council allies.
The same people who fought to stop every step of the way improving Hoboken.
Who voted against repaving Washington St? They’re in the photo. Michael Russo and Terry Castellano stopped it. Now Michael Russo is complaining about it? Unreal.
That is right when things don’t go Zimmer’s way she makes up a spin. More specifically when she is loosing/screws up she goes into full time spin mode. Like Ravi Bhalls’s run for office, when he could not run unopposed he proferred to save face and not run at all.
Try and stay on topic. I know the Mayor and Bhalla own space in your brain but fight the urge to bring them up every 5 seconds if you can
It is all relevant to a pattern of behaviors that repeat of time. If the dots are not connected, some of these spins taken alone might be plausible.
To your topic, NoMore, do you believe a man of principal and good governance would pull out of an election just because he can not run unopposed? Do you believe that tax payers should be paying legal expenses for the poor ethical decisions and errors of this administration? Do you believe in having debt load tied to a volatile measure ? and then manipulating that measure?
I will stop here. Curious minds want to know NoMore!
Sometimes I wish there were more State Mental Health facilities. It is painful to watch people who desperately need help and just are not getting it