The Hoboken Fire Department rescued a construction worker who was helplessly suspended from a building on 14th Street earlier today, officials said.

By John Heinis/Hudson County View
“I am extremely proud of, and commend, the firefighters who responded to this tense incident this morning. Their professionalism, dedication, bravery, and training were on full display, and no doubt helped to save a life today,” Fire Chief Anton Peskens said in a statement.
At approximately 8:30 a.m. this morning, after a construction worker fell from scaffolding and became suspended from the building by his safety harness.
Ladder Co. 1, Engine Co. 2, Rescue Co. 1, and Engine Co. 3 all responded, under the command of Battalion Chief Joe Grossi.
Members of the Fire Department’s UASI (Urban Area Security Initiative) team used their specialized training and equipment including an aerial ladder, a life safety rope and harness, and a descent control device, to safely rescue the worker.
Construction crews were working on the exterior siding when the incident occurred.
An initial investigation found all workers were using the proper OSHA required safety equipment, while a second worker was safely removed from the scaffolding using an aerial ladder.
I’ve lived in Hoboken for 72 years and I’ve seen some of the most amazing things that our Fire and Police Departments have done under some extreme and dangerous conditions. They are brave and dedicated people who risk their lives everyday to protect and serve our community God Bless them and keep them safe. Another great job folks!