Hudson County View

Gov. Murphy backs Rep. Menendez at West New York GOTV rally with HCDO mainstays

Gov. Phil Murphy (D) backed U.S. Rep. Rob Menendez (D-8) for a second term at a West New York get out the vote (GOTV) rally with several Hudson County Democratic Organization mainstays this morning.

By Daniel Ulloa/Hudson County View

“Good morning everyone. We’re here for one reason. To get Congressman Rob Menendez re-elected. This is a very, very tight election,” Hudson County Executive Craig Guy said, acknowledging the spirited challenge by Hoboken Mayor Ravi Bhalla.

State Senator (D-33)/Union City Mayor Brian Stack, one of Menendez’s earliest backers, also took the podium during the roughly 20-minute program.

“It’s so critical, so important. Make sure we’re spreading that message to our neighbors, our friends, our family. Every single vote in this election is going to count for Rob Menendez. We need to get a tremendous vote out. We don’t want him to win. We want him to win big!” state Senator (D-33)/Union City Mayor Brian Stack declared.

“Rob deserves it. He faced a very dirty campaign unnecessarily. Rob ran on his record: He’s working hard for all of us.”

“I can’t tell you how many times the Governor has been in Hudson County and this area. During COVID, the Governor came half a dozen times. We’re very grateful for the job he’s doing,” West New York Mayor Albio Sires said.

West New York Mayor Albio Sires praised Murphy, noting his visits to North Hudson during the COVID-19 pandemic, before noting in Spanish that Menendez has exceeded his expectations while succeeding him in representing the 8th Congressional District.

“If we don’t have Menendez in Washington, we don’t have any Hispanic who represents us. So it’s important. I can pick up the phone and call him and tell him the Hispanic community has problems,” Sires said in Spanish.

He noted the arrival of former Gov. Jim McGreevey, a declared candidate for Jersey City mayor.

“Si se puede (yes we can)!” McGreevey exclaimed as he got on stage.

Sires reiterated that Menendez is the only Hispanic representative in the New Jersey congressional delegation before introducing Murphy, who called those on stage “an all-star cast” before praising the congressman’s efforts in Washington.

“If you care about working families, if you’re a senior and care about affordability. If you care about Medicare, Social Security, getting money out of Washington into Hudson County. If you care about infrastructure, transportation. If you care about the little guy who’s got nowhere else to turn, then you’ve got to vote for Menendez,” Murphy exclaimed.

“He has done everything I mentioned already and will continue to do it when he’s re-elected. He’s as good as it gets … Every single vote will count in this election. This is a very close election. We need every single vote for Rob Menendez to send him back to Washington. God bless you all.”

During his remarks, Menendez praised his predecessor, noting that he had big shoes to fill and thanking him for his 16 years in service before addressing the task at hand on Election Day Tuesday.

“This election has meant a lot to me. It has been a tough one … For all the negative things you’ve heard, we’ve been here every single day, talking about our track record and talking about our vision of a better, more inclusive Hudson County, of a more inclusive 8th Congressional district. We have fought for it every single day,” he stated.

“We have someone running who tries to tear people down, who represents the worst of us. I’ve always been about lifting people up. Lifting each of you and your families up. We’ve gone to work for you.”

McGreevey also had some brief remarks, applauding Menendez for the funding he had brought back to the district for infrastructure and transportation projects, as well as working with constituents to resolve social security issues.

After the rally, Murphy, Sires, and Menendez both made themselves available to the media for a few minutes, with the governor calling it “hugely important” to get the vote out this election cycle in Latino communities such as North Hudson.

“This is the only Hispanic seat in the State of New Jersey. This district is over 54 percent Hispanic. I grew up in Union City. I live in Jersey City with my family now. I know these people, and I am their voice in Congress. I’m never going back done from the hard fights,” Menendez said.

“In 16 years, he never called my office once,” Sires said of Bhalla. “… All I can say is, Rob is the better candidate, I’m supporting Rob, and we’re all gonna support Rob.”

Others in attendance included Weehawken Mayor Richard Turner, West New York Commissioners Adam Parkinson, Marielka Diaz, and Victor Barrera, Hudson County Commissioners Anthony Romano (D-5), the board chairman, and Caridad Rodriguez (D-7), West New York Board of Education President Jonathan Castaneda, and former West New York Mayor Felix Roque.

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