Hoboken 3rd Ward Councilman Mike Russo, an all but certain candidate for mayor, raised $81,150 in the 4th quarter of last year, boasting $322,943.53 cash on hand, his January 15th campaign finance report shows.

By John Heinis/Hudson County View
Joe Barry, the co-founder of Applied Companies (which is now Ironstate) who went to prison for bribery in 2004, donated $5,200, while three other family members gave $5,200, $5,000, and $3,200, respectively.
B&A Food Brokers CEO Andrew Epstein contributed $5,000, as did Sake Hoboken owner Adam Selman, Urby Chief Customer Officer Lorena Nunez wrote a check for $2,500, and Village Hoboken cannabis dispensary co-owner Daniel Pettigrew chipped in $2,000.
Russo’s fast-paced fundraising also comes with some expenses, paying San Francisco-based Caleb McDermott $8,000, Hoboken’s Scorpion Consulting $6,000, and Springfield-based Activate Media $5,800.
He spent of total of $43,704.01 in Q4, according to his latest filing with the New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission (NJ ELEC).
While Russo is yet to formally declare for mayor, his fundraising prowess and social media presence make it pretty evident that’s where he is heading in the non-partisan November 4th contest.
With Mayor Ravi Bhalla opting to run for Assembly in the 32nd Legislative District instead of seeking a third term, Councilwoman-at-Large Emily Jabbour, a two-time running mate of his, became the first person to jump into the mayoral race on Monday, as HCV first reported.
Given that Jabbour just announced, she has not filed a fourth quarter report yet, nor have two other expected candidates in 2nd Ward Councilwoman Tiffanie Fisher and 4th Ward Councilman Ruben Ramos.
Dear God if he spends money this fast and takes money from big developers who were friends with his corrupt old man Anthony Russo ( still owed money to the feds ) How will he handle the “people’s money”?
Oh and then there’s this: https://hudsoncountyview.com/hoboken-3rd-ward-councilman-russo-files-for-over-2m-bankruptcy-court-records-show/
and this:” Russocorruption.com ”