West New York officials unite to prepare town for first blizzard of the season


Various West New York officials, including Superintendent of Schools John Fauta and Housing Authority Executive Director Robert DiVincent, spoke with Hudson County View about making sure the town is ready to deal with first major blizzard of the winter season.


Mayor Felix Roque,Fauta, Department of Public Works Commissioner Gabriel Rodriguez, Department of Revenue and Finance Commissioner Fior’D Aliza Frias, Commissioner of Parks and Public Property Count Wiley and DiVincent spoke with Hudson County View in the midst of a huge town meeting where employees gathered to discuss storm preparedness.

“In terms of DPW, we’ve already have close to two tons of salt [and] we’re currently receiving another two tons,” said Gabriel Rodriguez, the West New York commissioner of the Department of Public Works.

Roque later assured residents that meter and street sweeper parking would not be in effect during the blizzard.

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  1. More importantly where is the person who runs the DPW garage, who is supposed to be supervising the operation? He was not even in attendance at the the mandatory emergency management meeting. With all the changes in wny … One can only hope that the decision to finally remove the root of all evil from the administration, strip him and his wife of their pay, benefits and pension will be made shortly. Here’s an idea… Put someone in charge who can lead, knows how to run the operation and most importantly …. IS CERTIFIED.

    If they want us to believe that they are serious about the transformation of government in wny …. Then prove it.

    Maybe then we can start taking you seriously.

    But for the DPW superintendent to not even show up at the meeting already tells me what will continue to happen. And it continues to be U N A C C E P T A B L E!

    • While your enthusiasm is admirable, you greatly underestimate Silvio. Even the Scarinci/Menendez camp couldn”t bully him around because the amount of dirt he has on Felix and co. is almost unimaginable. He may be one of the dirtiest players in the county, but he’s no dummy. He’s put himself in a position where he can’t fail. And some blizzard we had lol

      • You may be right. But when his wife receives the photos…even the big boys wont be able to help him escape her wrath. Downright Disgusting. This also leaves the option of him being a “dummy” open for discussion. You see, it is he… who underestimates others.

    • Truth: You are correct on both fronts….. that was some blizzard LOL But we cant fault the meteorologists for trying. As for the superintendent, it does seems he has nine lives…. 8 of them which have been exhausted. So like the others, I wait for the day of reckoning impatiently.